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The Second Draft

I've started working on another story, Kathy The Caring Cactus (she has a lovely personality and loves giving hugs, but no one wants to hang out with her and get poked). Working on children's books always brings me humility. If there is one thing I'm terrible at it's drawing, and if there is one thing I need while developing a character it's a little drawing of them. I think I might need to invest in an artist. Thank goodness I have so many artistic friends at my fingertips!

I've also been noticing how difficult it is to get to a second draft of anything! I either get sick of re-reading the same story over and over again or cut off so much of it that barely anything is left.

A suggestion I've found useful is to put your story in the hands of someone else. Another perspective is always helpful and sometimes even re-fills the creative juice you need to keep going. Have them edit and give suggestions while you take a break from your story. The farther away you are from it the less likely you will throw it in the fire while you're feeling dramatic. And it doesn't need to be someone with an English degree or a famous author. Have your sister, friend, nephew, or coworker do you a solid. You could even credit them once you publish your story and who doesn't love to see their name in print?

Well, I'm off to pass off Kathy to a trustworthy friend. While they edit I think I'm going to tromp around outside and enjoy these last bits of summer. Perhaps I'll trip over some new inspiration.


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