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Brainstorming Story Ideas

After putting your heart and soul into a project it is easy to feel dried up with no creativity left. You can't even think of a choice name to call the person who cuts your off in traffic. Where are you to go? What are you to do? You're out on your fannyyyyy.....

....sorry. I was having a flash back t0 the 90's show "The Nanny".

Anywho, it's hard to start over again! I was certainly at a loss, but luckily I had a great suggestion that I have been putting into practice: setting 20 minutes aside a day to only think of story ideas. Granted, not all are winners, but it gets the creative juices flowing again! Even if I can only come up with one or two ideas I force myself to only think about writing. No checking Instagram or Facebook or thinking if I were a donut what kind of donut would I be (chocolate with maple frosting and chopped nuts obvi). Here are some of the ideas I came up with during this exercise:

Cat Choir

5 friends are in a cat choir together. Two cats get in a fight over who they think should be the soprano. They perform in alley ways and book gigs at underground cat restaurants.

Dinosaur musicians

There is a group of dinosaur musicians that a teen t-rex loves. He dreams of becoming a musician as well, but he struggles to find an instrument he can play with his short arms. He tries all sort of instruments that don’t work. He tries the drums but doesn’t like them. The xylophone. He finally stumbles on a ukulele and loves it! Ends up starting his own band.

Wizard school

A bunch of Harry Potter fans start a faux wizarding school. They are flooded with people who apply. Funnily, a few people start to show signs of having actual magical powers. No on actually believed this would happen. Now they have to blunder with having real wizards and witches having no idea what to do. They even call Rolling at one point asking for pointers.

I also suggest pulling from your day to day life. Was someone clipping their nails on the bus? Did a grandpa hold his granddaughter's hand to cross the street? Did someone make a fuss when their grande frap with one second's worth of whip cream and a shot and a half came out wrong?

The world is our oyster! Happy writing!


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