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Billy the Goat

Brian (the hubs) and I got the chance to babysit a few of the nephews last week. I've come to conclusion I need to do more of this because some pretty good stories come out of the wood work during story time. We had been reading to little P for, oh, about 45 minutes, when Uncle B was ready for something different and asked if P wanted to hear a story from Auntie Hannah. Thank goodness Uncle B and I ended up sharing story time because this story about Billy the Goat was getting away from me.

Anyhow, here is "Billy the Goat" by Uncle B and Auntie Hannah.


Billy the Goat was taking his morning walk on the hillside when he saw Farmer Dan driving by in his truck. Since Billy was a friendly goat he bleated to say hi.


Farmer Dan stopped his truck to say hello.

"Good morning Billy! Beautiful day isn't it?"

"Blaaaaah!" said Billy as he nodded in agreement.

Just then, Farmer Dan realized he was wearing his bathrobe! He looked so silly and felt so embarrassed.

"Oh my!" he said. "I am quite embarrassed. I didn't realize I was still wearing my bathrobe!"

Billy was quite a nice goat and didn't want Farmer Dan to feel embarrassed so he got out his bathrobe from behind a bush and wore it, too. Now they both looked silly.

"Billy, you are so nice! Join me for lunch so I can thank you," said the farmer. Well, Billy was never one to say no to food, and the morning had moved on to noon so it was quite alright to eat again.

"Blaaaaaah!" Billy smiled and trotted after Farmer Dan.

They got in the truck and drove to the farm. Once inside, Farmer Dan realized he didn't know what to serve his guest! What did goats eat? He started offering Billy different things to eat.

"Billy, would you like to eat this tractor tire?" asked the farmer.

How silly! Billy did not eat tires. Billy shook his head no.

"Hmmm," Farmer Dan thought. "How about this lovely plate? Would you like to eat this plate?"

What?! Billy the Goat didn't eat plants! How silly was Farmer Dan? Billy shook his head no.

Farmer Dan took out a blanket, a teapot, a pair of socks, and even tried to feed Billy a suitcase! Finally, he made a ham sandwich, and Billy was so happy! He chopped and chewed and ate that ham sandwich in no time flat! He smiled and showed all of his big teeth to let Farmer Dan know how much he liked his ham sandwich.

After lunch Billy the Goat always took a nap so now he was beginning to feel sleepy. He let out a big yawn.

"Oh my!" thought the farmer. My guest is sleepy! I need to get him to bed. But what does a goat sleep on?"

"Billy, clearly you're tired. Let me make a nice bed up for you. Would you like to sleep in this pond? I have some ducks who love to sleep here."

"Blaaaaah!" said Billy as he shook his head. He didn't sleep in ponds!

"What about this mud pile, Billy? I have a pig who loves to sleep here."

Oh, no! Billy did not sleep in mud. The farmer was being silly again! He shook his head no.

Farmer Dan offered Billy a bed of thistles, an air-mattress, a hammock, and even a bird's nest! Finally, he showed Billy a soft pile of grass clippings, and Billy was so happy! He immediately fell asleep on top of the comfy pile of grass.

From that day on, Billy the Goat and Dan the Farmer were the best of friends, and whenever they hung out they ate ham sandwiches and wore their bathrobes in memory of the first time they spent together.

The End.


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