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Working on Writing

You've come to peace with yourself. You can admit it. You like to write! In this moment the self-deprivating side of you is silent and you rejoice in this other piece of yourself you've been shyly hiding over the years. You're a literary wizard! But where do you go from here? What do you want to write about? What voice do you want to tell it in? Is there a favorite genre you feel drawn to? Will you change the world with you words? Aaaaand now the euphoria slips away and you're overwhelmed.

For me, the best way to begin easing into the process is reading. It's great because I feel very confident in my ability to read and why not give yourself a confidence boost during these trying times? I re-read my favorite books and ask myself why I love them so much. This is also a great opportunity to steal a little. The best writers steal/are inspired by each other (just think of all the stories of King Arthur). Write it down. Make notes. Re-read things you've written over the years. Do you have a diary from when you were 10? Practice writing in that voice again. Make notes on what you liked about your writing.

Instructional writing books are also such a gift! Pick one up and read it! Advice mingled with encouragement is always helpful. I recommend "Bird by Bird" by Anne Lamott. It's conversational and instructional and she's one of my favorite authors.

My last piece of advice is to go easy on yourself. You have to start somewhere. Literally no one pulls out a masterpiece their first try, and if you do I have strong suspicions you're an alien living among us. If you hate what you've written close it up and move on. I try to remember, as Anne Lamott says, “almost all good writing begins with terrible first efforts. You need to start somewhere.” I cannot tell you how many emotional poems I wrote in high school that I had to burn. So many hormones. So many tears streaked on paper. So much over-use of metaphor.

So. Read! Make notes! Be nice to yourself! Move on! Go! Fight! Win!


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