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Getting Back on the Dinosaur

Up until last week I worked for an elementary school which meant summertime=hibernation time! You could find me resting on the nearest couch lounging in a pile of Cheetos dust. Just kidding! I cleaned up all the orange powder.

One might argue I could have used that time greatly to my advantage with millions of blog posts and writing a million stories, and my response is yes. Yes I could have, should have, and would have. Alas that the muses took for the hills and didn't even leave me a dear John note! #rude

I must make one small defense for myself (why shouldn't I for I am also the accuser and isn't that what social media is all about??) which is I did write a little diddy about Reggie the dinosaur. I used one of my previous story ideas and did a little ♪work, work, work, work, work ♪.

So now I am getting back on the dinosaur and making some strides to make it all shiny and perfect. In the meantime, here is the rough draft with a very rough drawing of Reggie. Enjoy!


Reggie and the Flaming Fossils

Pg 1) For as long as he could remember, Reggie wanted to be in a band with his friends. He loved music, and especially the band Mouse Rat. But it was hard for Reggie to find an instrument to play because he was… (picture of his nose and eyes and a thinking cloud filled with thoughts of him performing in a concert)

Pg2) A Tyrannosaurus Rex! (picture of him flexing and roaring and trying to look impressive)

Pg 3) As a T-Rex Reggie had very short arms, but he decided he was not going to let that get in the way of his dreams! (zoomed in pic of his small arms or of him trying to wave or reach something far away)

Pg 4) After getting permission from his parents, he marched himself right down Asteroid Avenue and made a bee-line for Tilly’s Tremendous Instruments to find the perfect instrument to play. (picture of him walking into the shop and the shop sign above him or on the window)

Pg 5) There were so many instruments to choose from! Reggie walked over to the piano, but he couldn’t reach all the notes. Then he tried the harp, but it wasn’t hardcore enough for him. (Pic of Reggie playing a harp with a big frown)

Pg 6) The xylophone, the guitar, the fiddle, the stand up bass; no, no, no, NO! Nothing was working. Reggie was feeling overwhelmed and like all his dreams were crushed. (pic of Reggie with instruments surrounding him that didn’t work and him looking on the verge of tears)

Pg 7) Tilly the Brontosaurus hated seeing Reggie so sad and wanted help out. She looked around her shop and thought of each instrument she had. She knew the perfect instrument for him. (pic of Tilly thinkinging with thought cloud)

Pg 8) “Reggie,” Tilly said, “have you ever considered the ukulele?” Reggie shook his tears away and looked up. There, in her hands, was a beautiful, red ukulele. Excitedly, he took the instrument in his hands. (Pic of red ukulele all shiny and shimmery)

Pg 9) He strummed it’s four strings. It. Was. Awesome! It fit him perfectly! This was his instrument! He roared with glee!! “Tilly! Tilly, thank you SO much! This is the best instrument ever!” He quickly paid for his ukulele and ran straight home to call his friends. It was time to start the band.

Pg 10) After months of preparation, Reggie’s band The Flaming Fossils was about to perform. This was their moment. This was the moment their dreams would come true. (pic of a crack in the curtain they pulled back to peek on the crowd)

Pg 11) The curtains opened, the drummer shouted “1, 2, 3, 4!” and Reggie wailed away on his ukulele. The crowd went wild, and in this moment, Reggie knew that he was exactly where he was supposed to be and playing the exact instrument he was meant to play.

The End.

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