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Books are Friends, Too

I grew up in a small rural town in Northern California. We lived slightly upcountry and passed fields of cows as we drove on the windy roads home. Each house we passed had their own piece of land to go out and adventure on. My favorite thing was the wild blackberry bushes that grew at the end of our lane and on back roads and on creek sides.

For entertainment there was wandering in the woods, sneaking T.V. if I was quick and lucky, and reading. I devoured books. Franklin the turtle, Goosebump books until I encountered one with a ghost having the same name as me, Jane Austen's books, Green Gables series, Narnia series, Lord of the Rings series--so many places to go and so many characters to get to know.

I am a better person for it. I learned about those different from me and encountered traits I wanted to emulate. Thanks to these authors I now have a little bit of Anne Shirley in me which comes out as I wink at myself as I pass a mirror; Elisabeth Bennet reminds me to check the facts before I make snap judgments; Franklin taught me the importance of friends and family.

Yet only recently have I seriously thought of joining these authors and currently put words to a page. Always a pipe dream to happen in my future, I never had enough self discipline to move forward. Even this morning I had to push myself to come here. I am a distractable person in my upper twenties and there is work to go to, friends to see, and the new Anne of Green Gables series to watch.

It looks like I have some character development of my own to go through... oh no. I think I might be a Eustace Scrubb! NooOOooo! He's was one of my least favorite characters in the Narnia series :(. But in retrospect he does get to be a dragon at one point....Welp, now that that self revelation is over I think I am going to drown my sorrows in my coffee made with my stove top Moka Express. P.S. it's delicious.

Stay tuned for the next posting! I'll be giving you a sneak peek of the story I have been working on. It's working title is the Beautiful and the Beastly. To give you a hint of what it looks like there's four sister witches, a maiden, knights of shining armor, and a cursed goat.

Happy Sunday!


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