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A Beginning of Sorts

The thing about stories is they all must have a beginning, middle, and end. As people, our lives are filled with multitudes of stories that inter-lap, are seasonal, and have interchangeable characters. The story this blog will be taking you along in is the one about a new path and a new journey in my life.

I have always had a half hope, half idea about pursing writing, and I always let it stay as such. It was a lovely thought, like a memory of your favorite childhood birthday (mine was Noah's Ark themed and I got a pulley ark on wheels and a few animals that I would march in two-by-two and a wonderful new Noah's Ark dress). Yet now that I am married to someone who challenges me, I find myself confusingly being challenged to stop hem-hawing over this desire to be a writer. Perhaps he does not realize it is the idea of being challenged that I like rather than the act.

Nevertheless, here I am pursuing my dream a little bit at a time. You will see first hand my trials and tribulations of doing such. I will show you peeks into my work, my writing processes, my successes and failures, and small quips about my life sprinkled in so you get to know this author.

We are now bound for a grand adventure without the need to follow the second star to the right or take the hand of a wizard. Off we go!


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